Roseanne Healy

Roseanne Healy has over 20 years’ experience in corporate advisory, Non-Executive
Director and Chair roles at private and ASX-listed companies and statutory
corporations and a background in strategy, innovation and investment.
Roseanne’s career commenced in investment banking at JB Were in the resources
and agriculture division and later, the public listing division. Roseanne has
extensive experience in investments, mergers, and acquisitions and sits on several
ASX-listed and private equity-backed company boards and is an expert in articulating
and structuring investment theses.
Roseanne is currently Managing Director of Enterprise Corporation Pty Ltd, an
Australian corporate advisory and private equity firm. She is also a co-founder of a
leading Australian equity crowdfunding platform in Australia providing access to
community funding and private deal rooms for startups and scaleups.
Combining her expertise in investment strategy with her and legal qualifications has
led Roseanne to take a special interest in space law and climate change law.
Roseanne’s knowledge of space law and in particular space resource utilisation allows
her to navigate diverse investment communities and engage on space as an
investment domain.
Ms Healy holds a Bachelor of Economics/Arts and Bachelor of Laws from The
University of Adelaide and a Master of Business Research (Commerce), and Master of
Business Administration from The University of Adelaide. Ms Healy holds Graduate
International and Graduate Mastering the Board Room qualifications from the
Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). Roseanne is also a former
recipient of the Kauffman Entrepreneur Prize.

All Presenters

Space Florida’s president and CEO

Independent Scholar on International Relations

Technology And Policy Expert

Investment Capital and Space Law

Professor of Practice in the College of Business, University of Central Florida

Founder of Mankins Space Technology, Inc.

Former NASA & Boeing Astronaut

Co-founder and Chairman, Mars Institute

University of Central Florida – Florida Space Institute

Author of "The Overview Effect", National Space Society Board of Directors