Robert Aillon

Robert Aillon is a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Space Society. He is the founder and CEO of Leviathan Space Industries LLC, which is leading the initiative to develop a Private Spaceport in Ecuador. Robert serves as President of the Guayaquil Space Society, a chapter of the National Space Society Robert Aillon is a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Space Society. He is the founder and CEO of Leviathan Space Industries LLC, which is leading the initiative to develop a Private Spaceport in Ecuador. Robert serves as President of the Guayaquil Space Society, a chapter of the National Space Society 

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Space Florida’s president and CEO

Independent Scholar on International Relations

Technology And Policy Expert

Investment Capital and Space Law

Associate Provost for Space Commercialization and Strategy, University of Central Florida

Director, Kennedy Space Center

Chief Regulatory Officer, Immortal Data, Inc.

Former NASA & Boeing Astronaut

Senior Fellow in Defense Studies, American Foreign Policy Council

Co-founder and Chairman, Mars Institute

Founder of Mankins Space Technology, Inc.

University of Central Florida – Florida Space Institute

Author, Journalist, Filmmaker

Founder, Red Hen Industries

CEO of Leviathan Space Industries LLC