Ajay “AJ” P. Malshe is R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Agriculture and Biological Engineering (by Courtesy) at Purdue University. He is the Co-Director of Purdue’s Engineering Initiative (PEI) for eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO). He has a collective professional experience of 40 years, partly overlapping, in industries (as a Founder, Board Member, and CTO of NanoMech now VinTech Nano Materials; acquired in 2018 by VinTech International) and academia. He has gained a national and international reputation in advanced manufacturing, multifunctional-resilient-sustainable bio-inspired designing, functional multi-materials, and system integration and productization. Over the decades, application areas of his interest and contributions are biomanufacturing for future protein foods and farms at the point of need, heterogeneous microelectronics for high-density systems, nanomanufacturing for extreme machines, in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM). Malshe has trained more than 1400 graduate and undergraduate students and mentored numerous younger engineers in academia and industries. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed manuscripts. He has received over 28 patents and his patent/product conversion rate is more than 70% resulting in more than 20 award-winning engineered products applied by leading corporations in agriculture and food, energy, defense and aerospace, transportation, EV, die-casting, high-performance racing, and other key industrial sectors. He has delivered over 100 keynote invited talks around the world in leading forums. He serves multiple professional organizations in various roles as a committee member and Board Member. Malshe has received more than 45 prestigious international honors for scientific discoveries, engineering innovations, and breakthrough products. In 2018, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) “for innovations in nanomanufacturing with impact in multiple industry sectors”, the highest award an engineer can receive. Additional noteworthy awards include Fellowships to the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American Society of Materials (ASM), the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP), the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), and the Institute of Physics (InstP), London, UK; Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) David Dornfeld Blue Sky Manufacturing Idea Award for co-pioneering “Factories-In-Space” concept; SME-S.M. Wu Research Implementation Award; recipient of engineering translation awards including three Edison Awards for Innovation; Tibbett Award by the US Small Business Association sponsored by EPA for successful technology transfer; R&D 100 Award, (the “Oscar” of innovation).
Ajay “AJ” P. Malshe
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Associate Provost for Space Commercialization and Strategy, University of Central Florida